ChatGPT is largely responsible for the current buzz around all things AI, but does it have an official mobile app? Having been opened to the public late last year, ChatGPT took the world by storm with its ability to write articles, poems, movie scripts, and code, among other things. While GPT-3 was impressive enough in its scope and scale, OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT and the DALL-E AI image generator, has since unveiled GPT-4 that promises to be more accurate and less offensive than its predecessor.


Since its release, ChatGPT has enthralled, confused, and scared tech enthusiasts and AI experts in equal measure. Millions of people have signed up to try out the new software. For some time, it could only be used via the ChatGPT website — but in May 2023, OpenAI released a free ChatGPT app for iOS. It’s available now for download on Apple’s App Store. At launch, it’s only available for users in the U.S., but access in other countries is set to follow. Unfortunately for Android users, there’s still no Android app just yet, but OpenAI says one will be coming soon.

Other Ways To Use ChatGPT On Android And iPhone

OpenAI logo on a dark green background with green and white horizontal bars

For those who don't have the app yet, the tool can be directly accessed using a web browser on virtually any platform, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. The best way to directly access ChatGPT on a mobile device in that case is to fire up a mobile browser and visit the website. The requirements for access are the same on all platforms, including a compatible web browser and an OpenAI account. It works on all leading mobile browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

To get started, navigate to on a browser. Now select 'Try ChatGPT' at the top of the page and then sign in or sign up with an OpenAI account. Next, accept all the terms and conditions, tap 'Next,' and then hit the '完毕' 按钮访问 ChatGPT。用户现在可以要求人工智能工具为他们写一个故事、创作一首歌、讲一个笑话、调试代码等等。用户还可以为 ChatGPT 创建“精简版应用程序”或添加主屏幕快捷方式,以确保他们可以随时轻松访问聊天机器人,而无需每次都启动浏览器。

值得注意的是,2023年3月,OpenAI经过几个月的测试,发布了ChatGPT的公共API。该 API 允许第三方开发人员将 ChatGPT 集成到他们的应用程序和服务中,这意味着 Play 商店和 App Store 上有许多应用程序可用于访问聊天机器人。其中最著名的是 Snapchat,它于 2 月份推出了一款由 ChatGPT 支持的应用内聊天机器人,名为 My AI。其他一些应用程序也使用 聊天GPT API 包括 Duolingo、Instacart 和 Shop 等。
