If you’ve searched for “ChatGPT” in Apple’s App Store since the chatbot launched six months ago, you may have discovered some of the dozens of apps with names like Genie, Genius, and AI Writer claiming to be powered by OpenAI’s technology. Or you might have found Microsoft’s Bing app with the company’s own chatbot inside, powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 text generator. But ChatGPT itself hasn’t had an official iPhone app released by its own developer—until now.

Courtesy of OpenAI; Apple

OpenAI’s free ChatGPT app for iOS just hit Apple’s App Store in the US. As with the original web model of the chatbot, the free-to-use version is built on GPT-3.5, and its most capable persona built on GPT-4 is accessible only if you’re paying $20 a month for ChatGPT Plus.

OpenAI says the mobile app syncs your history of chats with its bot across devices and will be expanding to other countries “in the coming weeks.” An Android app is coming “soon.”

The biggest change that comes with ChatGPT’s new mobile incarnation is that you can now talk to the chatbot instead of just typing. OpenAI has added its speech recognition system, Whisper, which the company claims reaches “human-level robustness and accuracy” for English. That could give interacting with ChatGPT a different feel and perhaps encourage people to turn to it for (glitchy) AI wisdom more often. ChatGPT on iOS will also be limited to phones that can run the iOS 16.1 operating system, which means iPhone 8 or newer hardware models.

But it’s unclear whether ChatGPT will have the same freewheeling personality in the new iOS app as the original form of ChatGPT on OpenAI’s own website, given Apple’s strict content moderation policies in its App Store.

这家 iPhone 制造商告诉开发者,应用程序不应包含“诽谤性、歧视性或卑鄙的内容”,或“冒犯性、麻木不仁、令人不安、意图令人厌恶或品味极差”的内容。它还禁止公开的性或色情材料、煽动性宗教内容以及“虚假信息和特征”。 ChatGPT 有一些内置的局限性,但它们可以被回避,而且聊天机器人与其他生成式人工智能工具一样,被广泛记录,有时会将谎言和捏造当作事实,这种现象称为幻觉。 

三月, 华尔街日报 报道称,苹果公司拒绝了一款电子邮件应用程序的人工智能生成更新,直到开发者给予该应用程序 17+ 的限制,并表达了对人工智能工具可能为儿童生成不适当内容的担忧。在 App Store 中,OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 应用程序被评为“12 岁以上”。

OpenAI 没有回应有关其 iOS 模型中可能包含的任何其他参数的问题,但该移动应用程序可能满足了 Apple 的要求,以便在 App Store 中获得许可。目前,在网络上,ChatGPT 在出现提示时拒绝生成一些有问题的内容;例如,根据《连线》的测试,它不会写色情短篇小说或开宗教笑话,尽管它会写有关宗教战争的讽刺作品。讽刺也是苹果应用商店允许的类别。